My WHY: Embracing myself as an amateur

I have recently been challenged to put more sharing into my personal work.  I have recently been encouraged to embrace the amateur in myself.  This blog is where the two intercept.

First, let’s start with Austin Kleon’s description of an amateur:  “an enthusiast who pursues her work in the spirit of love” … who will try anything and take risks because her love is so strong she are not afraid to make mistakes.  Amateurs are regular people who get obsessed with something that they then spend a lot of time learning about and thinking about.

Second, down the rabbit hole…(one in which the pursuit of something (such as an answer or solution) leads to other questions, problems, or pursuits- Merriam Webster)

Reflecting on Austin Kleon’s quoted and paraphrased description of an amateur led me back to my WHY– my lifelong pursuit or the reason why I do any work in the world at all :). 

My WHY- my journey- began in my youth.  

When I was young, I loved to swim.  I loved the freedom and exhilaration that I felt. In a way, the pursuit of my WHY began when I was a teenager and became a swim lesson instructor.  I wanted to share the gift of independence and of new opportunities, that would result from being able to swim, so others could experience what I cherished.   Whether working with children or adults, I found very early on that learning to swim meant confronting fear, it meant pushing limits.  Success for the new swimmer came from choice, trust, and partnership.  My students had to choose to let go of the side of the pool, they had to trust me, and we had to work together towards success.    I embraced the individual needs of my swimmers in training and never once considered that they would not achieve success.  I had some kids and adults who would go from gripping the side in fear to swimming in one season.  I also had adults who took a whole season of lessons just to gain enough confidence and courage to let go of the side of the pool, but who celebrated and returned next season for more lessons.  Those years of teenage swim-instructing taught me two things that became my compass.  Success comes in increments towards a destination (not in just reaching it); and for the rest of my life, I wanted to work with others towards empowerment, the kind of empowerment  that comes from a balance of knowledge and skill that creates opportunity for someone. Learning equals empowerment. And yes, that swim lessons instructor became a teacher.


I have been in pursuit of being a partner in learning towards empowerment for thirty-five years since the blossoming of that WHY.  It is a WHY so strong that it guides all of my professional choices, from little ones to big ones,  It also drives my lifelong learning.  


Lifelong learning- the pursuit for an amateur with a love– a WHY.  My thirty-five-year process has led me to places in my professional career I would never have predicted and has and is pushing me to learn things I also never imagined.  I am accepting the “sharing of learning” challenge this summer and committing to blogging about my learning once a week.  


This summer, I am sharing what I have been obsessing about for the fellowship and feedback.  I encourage you to join me in sharing your learning obsessions through tweets or blogs, and I humbly ask for your encouragement, comments, and feedback.

I want to end this first entry with thank you to Simon Sinek and his book Start with WHY that continues to inspire me.  I encourage you to give it a read (or a re-read like I am currently doing).  Or if time is an issue, watch the Ted Talk :).


Kicking off the school year… part 1

This weekend I was working with a teacher preparing for the first week of school.  This teacher has been thinking a lot about three-dimensional instruction and the vision articulated in A Framework for K-12 Science Education since his state adopted new state standards based on the Framework. Before his state adoption, he had consistently kicked off the school year with a demo embedded below.  This coaching moments blog focuses on a teacher’s evolving understanding and road to expertise as he translates the Framework vision into classroom teaching and learning.


“The mind is entertained by the unusual, the different, and the new.”

Andy Puddicombe, Headspace

On the first day of school in this teacher’s district, students only spent about 20 minutes in each period. He loved how curious and interested students were in the discrepant event embedded above.  It just felt right to him as a great way to kick off the year in a science classroom.  Last year, he had started learning more about the science and engineering practices with his new state adoption.  He noticed the mention of phenomena and use of observations as a foundation to begin the sensemaking process embedded throughout the elements of the science and engineering practices in appendix f of the Next Generation Science Standards.  With this new understanding, he added a focus on observations and inferences to his first activity with the goal of supporting students in being able to make careful, accurate and complete observations of phenomena in order to engage in the science and engineering practices. (Read more about his first iteration of the activity here).

asking Q progression with highlight

Since last fall, this teacher has evolved his understanding even further about the role of phenomena in a three-dimensional classroom.  This weekend our conversations included a-ha moments about how phenomena in this new Framework vision have many essential attributes.  They are engaging and evoked curiosity in kids (the gut feeling he experienced for years with this kick-off activity).  Phenomena empower students by becoming a rich context for their own questions (careful, complete, and accurate observations of phenomena increase the probability for good questions).  Phenomena are the context for both the scientist and the engineer because they can be explained with science ideas. This last attribute, the science ideas needed to explain the phenomenon, was the new understanding that this teacher wanted to add to the activity this year.  He wanted his students to start the year understanding how phenomena and their questions would drive learning in this classroom, and how phenomena will be the context for learning because we need science to explain them (and answer the questions we generated). His evolving understanding of the role of phenomena can be evidenced in his iteration of this kick-off activity, from fun engaging event to a trajectory for the year and an establishment of the culture of learning in this classroom:  

It is the phenomenon plus the student-generated questions about the phenomenon that guide the learning and teaching”

Using Phenomena in the NGSS resource from Achieve

In our conversations, we referred often to the resource linked above to deepen our understanding of phenomena and their critical role in the new vision for science education.  Coaching conversations using classroom experiences and third-point references and resources have resulted in this evolution of understanding.  How have you changed your thinking about phenomena and its focus in your classroom?


An Invitation to start a science blog focused on 3D Learning and/or the NGSS: Reflect, Connect, Share

My guess is that you became a science teacher because you love learning, you love working with kids, and you love science.  Loving science means you are probably a question-asker.

Today’s question:  “How do I grow as an educator and work to continually create improved classroom experiences to honor those students I love?

Today’s Answer:  Blogging

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This is an invitation to consider joining us in the #Sci4allSs  Blog Project taking place on Twitter at #Sci4allSs (Science for all students).

We would like to bring people together across states to share our thinking and learning around A Framework for K-12 Science Education and/or Next Generation Science Standards.  Implementation of this contemporary research will lead to great student achievement and progress towards the goal of new state and national 3D standards: depth of understanding through the three dimensions of science and engineering practices, disciplinary core ideas, and crosscutting concepts.  We call this thinking and acting like a scientist. True integration of the 3 dimensions to explain phenomena and solve problems, will require a collaborative effort, collective conversation, and individual reflection.  Blogging is one way to support this effort.

Why should we blog?

Reflective Thinking

Blogging gives you a platform for reflective thinking (writing that we do for ourselves to think through things). This clarification of our thinking helps us improve our practice by what I call reflection into action.  My reflections always move me forward in some way to the next steps mode, leading to my personal professional growth.

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Collective Conversation

By sharing your blog, you are making your thinking visible to others which supports them on the path of understanding, inspires reflection and revision of thinking.  Sharing your blog enables you to get feedback, affirmation, and a new lens into your classroom from others.  When you read and comment on the blog posts of others, you are also gaining great ideas and resources to enhance your own understanding and curate creative and innovative ideas for your classroom.

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Getting Started Tips

Blogging is about the journey of reflection and collective conversation.  It is not about perfectionism.  Every teacher has amazing things to share from their experience as a learner and a classroom leader.  Please consider sharing any 3D/NGSS reflections.

Some sample ideas:

  • your classroom story
  • your ideas and reflections
  • resources you are finding useful in implementing the Framework or new standards.
  • how you are utilizing technology to teach the three dimensions.
  • your PLC or PLN story
  • responses to something you have read or heard or conversed around (like in #NGSSchat 😀 )
  • things you try that may or may not have worked
  • ANYTHING you would like to clarify thinking around.  If it helps you, it will help others.

Blog Posting Suggestions:

  • Create a blog site using platforms like or
  • Create a blog post and send the url link to #Sci4allSs  and #NGSSchat on Twitter
  • Commit to trying to post your first blog (or first blog of 2019).
  • Commit to trying to comment and/or repost/retweet the blogs of others

Great website for teacher blogging tips

Blogging is about being part of a conversation.  Please consider becoming part of this global conversation around great science teaching and learning. Educator voices need to be shared and heard as we work towards shifting science education and preparing students for this 21st Century world.  All stakeholders (educators, parents, students) need to have a seat at the table about translating NGSS into classroom instruction during implementation.  As professionals and stakeholders in NGSS implementation, sharing our teaching and learning reflections is key to advancing science education.

For a Blog Coach consider the National Blogging Collaborative.

Contact me for more information:


Twitter: @tdishelton

